Saturday, 16 February 2008

Facts On Pearl Harbor

The Facts on Pearl Harbor / Anchorage Show How President Roosevelt Did the Bidding of the CFR Adumbration Government Back He Allowed Japan to Advance Hawaii.

The facts on Pearl Anchorage are not as you were accomplished in brand school.

No, the Japanese didn’t abruptness the United States.

Sure, they afraid the guys at Pearl Harbor.

But that’s alone because “those in the know” didn’t acquaint the men stationed at Pearl Anchorage that they were about to be collapsed so the CFR adumbration government could abide its affairs for Globalization, or New Apple Order.

"CFR associates were absorbed in base the Second Apple War—as they had the first—as a absolution for apple government. The globalists hoped to use the Axis blackmail to force the U.S. and England into a abiding Atlantic alliance—an average footfall adjoin apple government." - James Perloff, commenting on how the CFR advised to get America into the war

President Roosevelt (a CFR puppet) was afflictive Japan into war far in beforehand of December, 1941.

"While proclaiming neutrality, Roosevelt beatific war ships and armament to Britain as proposed by the Aeon Group composed of CFR members. He ordered the activity of Iceland, closing it off to the Germans, and accustomed attacks on U-boats. He aboveboard accustomed loans to Japan’s enemy, nationalist China, and agilely accustomed the application of advantageous American ‘volunteers’ for Chiang Kai-shek’s acclaimed ‘Flying Tigers’." - Jim Marrs, “Rule By Secrecy”, p. 173

"The catechism was how we should activity them into the position of battlefront the aboriginal attempt afterwards too abundant crisis to ourselves. ... It was adorable to accomplish abiding the Japanese be the ones to do this so that there should abide no agnosticism in anyone's apperception as to who were the aggressors." - Secretary of War Henry Stimson

How’s that for an addition to how the facts on Pearl Anchorage are a far cry from what the contempo cine reflects?


Robert B. Stinnett is the columnist of “Day of Deceit”, which capacity the Pearl Anchorage Conspiracy. In a agitation apropos the facts on Pearl Anchorage at The Truth About Pearl Harbor: A Debate, Stinnett addresses his detractors…

"The leaders of the altercation accommodate Stephen Budiansky, Edward Drea, and David Kahn, all of whom accept authored books or accessories on cipher breaking. To bolster their pre-Pearl Anchorage theories, the leash abandoned journalistic belief and adulterated the U.S. Navy’s pre-Pearl Anchorage cardboard trail. Their efforts cannot be ignored.

"The leash has abutting ties to the National Security Agency, the ambassador of U.S. argosy communications files. Kahn has appeared afore NSA seminars. The NSA has not accustomed my FOIA requests to acknowledge honorariums paid the academy participants but has appear annal that affirm Kahn has been a participant.

"Immediately afterwards Day of Deceit appeared in bookstores in 1999, NSA began abandoning pre-Pearl Anchorage abstracts from the Crane Files housed in Archives II. This agency the government absitively to abide 60 years of Pearl Anchorage censorship. As of January 2002, over two dozen NSA abandonment notices accept triggered the abatement of Pearl Anchorage abstracts from accessible inspection.

"The cardinal of pages in the aloof abstracts appears to be in the hundreds. Among the annal aloof are those of Admiral Harold R. Stark, the 1941 Arch of Argosy Operations, as able-bodied as crypto annal authored by Commander Joseph J. Rochefort, the arch cryptographer for the Pacific Agile at the time of Pearl Harbor."

Remember, as Stinnett tells us of the NSA’s efforts to alter the facts on Pearl Anchorage that the NSA additionally brings us the ECHELON Advanced Surveillance Arrangement that spies on you.


"Roosevelt was himself a protypic Wall Streeter. His ancestors had been complex in New York cyberbanking back the eighteenth century. His uncle, Frederic Delano, was on the aboriginal Federal Assets Board." - James Perloff

"On 7 December 1941 the greatest adversity in United States history occurred. Truly this was and is, ‘A date which will alive in infamy.’, but not for the bombing of Pearl Harbor, rather for the bamboozlement and the mis-guidance acclimated by the Government and Franklin D. Roosevelt.

"In a absolutely bogus chess bold Roosevelt sacrificed over 2400 American Seamen’s lives, acknowledgment to his ability as Commander in Arch of the Armed Forces. By over-looking the accessible facts of an advance by Japan on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt was able to ascendancy both the political and bread-and-butter systems of the United States.

"Most of American association afore the Pearl Anchorage bombing believed in the abstraction of isolationism. Franklin D. Roosevelt knew this, and knew the alone way in which United States countrymen would booty accoutrements and activity in Europe’s War was to be an apparent activity adjoin the United States by a affiliate of the Axis Power. Roosevelt additionally believed Hitler would not acknowledge war on the United States unless he knew they were beatable.

"There are abundant accounts of accomplishments by Roosevelt and his top armed armament advisors, which acknowledge they were not alone acquainted of an advance by Japan, but additionally they were planning on it, and instigating that attack.

"On 7 October 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, arch of the Far East board of the Office of Argosy Intelligence, wrote the eight-action memo. This announcement categorical eight altered accomplish the United States could do that he predicted would advance to an advance by Japan on the United States. The day afterwards this announcement was giving to Franklin D. Roosevelt, he began to apparatus these steps. By the time that Japan assuredly attacked the United States at Pearl Anchorage on 7 December 1941, all eight accomplish had occurred." – extract from The Pearl Anchorage Deception


In Rule By Secrecy, Jim Marrs offers a few apprehensive facts on Pearl Anchorage on pp. 174-175. Below we activity an abbreviated adaptation of this list:

* During Pacific argosy contest m 1932 and 1938, and with Japanese aggressive attaches carefully observing, U.S. Navy admiral apparently destroyed the Pacific agile at Pearl Anchorage both times.

* Roosevelt ordered the Pacific agile confused to the apparent position at Pearl Anchorage over the active objections of Admiral James O. Richardson, who was replaced for abnegation to affair the order.

* They additionally knew that a ample Japanese assignment force, including six aircraft carriers, had alone from afterimage afterwards affective adjoin America.

* This prompted U.S. Army Arch of Staff George C. Marshall, a abutting accessory to abounding CFR members, to accelerate an abnormally worded bulletin to Pearl Anchorage commanders on November 27, 1941, "Hostile activity accessible at any moment. If hostilities cannot, echo CANNOT, be avoided, the United States desires that Japan accomplish the aboriginal apparent act. This activity should not, echo NOT, be construed as akin you to a advance of activity that ability attempt your defense." Despite this bright warning, with its accompanying advancement not to advance any attackers, Pacific agile ships remained at ballast and aircraft were bunched into clusters of "sitting ducks" as "security" adjoin saboteurs.

* On December 4 Australian intelligence appear analysis the missing Japanese assignment force affective adjoin Pearl Anchorage but Roosevelt absolved it as a rumor amorphous by pro-war Republicans.

* During investigations afterwards the attack, Marshall and Navy Secretary Frank Knox both testified they could not anamnesis their abode the night of December 6. It was afterwards appear that they were both in the White House with Roosevelt.


Another of the aberrant facts on Pearl Anchorage is the affair of the aircraft carriers.

"... In 1941, the American public, as able-bodied as a few common aggressive officers, still believed that the battleship was the ultimate weapon.

"But anyone who had been advantageous absorption knew that Accepted Billy Mitchell had accurate in the mid-1920’s that a distinct bomb-loaded aeroplane could abort a battleship. Battleships were obsolete. Achievement in any Pacific war would go to the ancillary with the arch air ability and that meant aircraft carriers.

"Not one aircraft carrier was present back Pearl Anchorage was attacked." – Jim Marrs, “Rule By Secrecy”, p. 175


The afterward facts on Pearl Anchorage are excerpts from Pearl Harbor: The Mother of All Conspiracies…

* 27 January 1941, Dr. Ricardo Shreiber, the Peruvian abettor in Tokyo told Max Bishop, third secretary of the US admiral that he had aloof abstruse from his intelligence sources that there was a war plan involving a abruptness advance on Pearl Harbor.

* 31 March 1941 - A Navy address by Bellinger and Martin predicted that if Japan fabricated war on the US, they would bang Pearl Anchorage afterwards admonishing at aurora with aircraft from a best of 6 carriers. For years Navy planners had affected that Japan, on the beginning of war, would bang the American agile wherever it was - it was the greatest crisis from Japan. The agile was the alone blackmail to Japan's plans. The agile at Pearl Anchorage was the alone High Value Target. Logically, Japan couldn't appoint in any above operation with the American agile on its flank. Initial actively crippling attacks on the US agile in Hawaii would be the alone adventitious the Japanese aggressive would accept for closing victory. The cardinal options for the Japanese were not unlimited.

* 10 July - US Aggressive Attache Smith-Hutton at Tokyo appear Japanese Navy secretly practicing aircraft abate attacks adjoin basic ships in Ariake Bay. The bay carefully resembles Pearl Harbor

* July - The US Aggressive Attache in Mexico forwarded a address that the Japanese were amalgam appropriate baby submarines for advancing the American agile in Pearl Harbor, and that a training affairs again beneath way included towing them from Japan to positions off the Hawaiian Islands, area they accomplished surfacing and submerging

* Early in the Fall, Kilsoo Haan, an abettor for the Sino-Korean People's League, told Eric Severeid of CBS that the Korean underground in Korea and Japan had absolute affidavit that the Japanese were activity to advance Pearl Anchorage afore Christmas. Among added things, one Korean had absolutely apparent the plans. In backward October, Haan assuredly assertive US Senator Guy Gillette that the Japanese were planning to attack. Gillette alerted the State Department, Army and Navy Intelligence and FDR personally

* 24 September 1941, the "bomb plot" bulletin in J-19 cipher from Japan Argosy Intelligence to Japan' s delegate accepted in Honolulu requesting filigree of exact locations of ships pinpointed for the account of bombardiers and abate pilots was deciphered. There was no acumen to apperceive the EXACT area of ships in harbor, unless to advance them - it was a asleep giveaway. Arch of War Affairs Turner and Arch of Argosy Operations Stark again kept it and warnings based on it able by Safford and others from actuality anesthetized to Hawaii

As we can see, these types of facts on Pearl Anchorage should be advertisement on every above American account program. However, as continued as the accumulated media apprenticeship arrangement is in place, that won’t happen.


Understand that these hidden facts on Pearl Anchorage are a aftereffect of all-embracing bankers demography over the base admiral in the US government.

Our money and cyberbanking is the key to the New Apple Order. Added apprenticeship on this is accessible at Federal Assets cyberbanking history and Money Creation.

Once you accept that the aristocratic assembly funds its Global Community, such as back they adjourned the destructive acts basic the accurate facts on Pearl Harbor, through actionable taxation and counterfeit debt creation, you can activate to see that one band-aid is to go afterwards that funding. By blindly affairs into Federal taxes and a abundance of debt, Americans are accidentally allotment the aristocratic and their absolute plans.

It doesn’t accept to be this way. If the bodies are accomplished on the fraud, the artifice avalanche apart.

We advance you acquiesce Aaron Russo to brainwash you on the counterfeit tax affair and booty advantage of our debt abolishment program.


We’ve apparent the debt band-aid by acceptable experts on accurately eliminating your debt. This activity will chargeless you financially while abbreviation the bulk of money accessible to the cyberbanking cabal. We charge cut the cabal’s allotment and for every dollar of debt you accurately annihilate through us, you’re acid $33 out of their pockets because of their apportioned assets cyberbanking scam.

You accept abstruse added about the actual facts on Pearl Harbor. Now it’s time to accompany us and booty the absolute footfall adjoin removing the allotment the aristocratic assembly is application to bind us. Talking isn’t abundant anymore. Keeping your money out of the banksters’ coffers is real, absolute action.

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