Wednesday 13 February 2008

Love Poems for Valentines Day

Sweet Collection Of Love Poems for Valentines Day

I love you as you are,
as you seek to find your own special way
to relate to the world.
I honor your choices to learn
And the way you feel is right for you.
I know it is important
that you are the person you want to be
and not someone that I or others think you "should" be.
I realize that I cannot
know what is best for you,
although perhaps sometimes I think I do.
I have not been where you have been,
viewing life from the angle you have.
I do not know what you have chosen to learn,
how you have chosen to learn it,
with whom or in what time period.
I have not walked life looking
through your eyes,
so how can I know what you need.
To those who would choose a way I cannot walk,
while I may not choose to
add my power and my energy to this way,
I will never deny you the gift of love
that God has bestowed within me for all creation.
As I love you so I shall be loved.
As I sow, so shall I reap.
I know that the many races,
religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs
within our world bring us great richness
and allow us the benefit and
teachings of such diverseness.
I know we each learn in our own unique way
in order to bring that love
and wisdom back to the whole.
I know that if
there was only one way to do something,
there would need only be one person.
I allow you the universal right of free will
to walk your own path, creating
steps or to sit awhile if
that is what is right for you.
I will make no judgment that
these steps are large or small,
nor light or heavy
or that they lead up or down
for this is just my viewpoint.
I may see you do nothing
and judge it to be unworthy
and yet it may be that you bring great
healing as you stand blessed
by the light of God.
I cannot always see the
higher picture of divine order.
I live my life in loving service,
being the best me I can,
becoming wiser in
the perfection of Divine Truth,
becoming happier in the
Joy of Unconditional Love.

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