It's internationally televised New Year's Day Rose Parade celebration features more than 40 magnificent floats decorated with thousands of roses, plants, fruits, vegetables and exotic flowers.
Jacob Maarse Florist in Pasadena, Calif., the preferred florist of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, provides many of the roses that grace the floats in the Rose Parade -; an event that garners the attention of more than 150 million viewers worldwide. And since roses, like every other living organism, need clean water to thrive, the florists at Jacob Maarse Florist decided to research the best water for their roses.
They tested cut flowers in three types of water including: LifeSource water, city tap water and tap water with floral preservatives. When asked about the test, Hank Maarse, president of Jacob Maarse Florist said, "We've been testing the LifeSource water system in our Pasadena floral shop since March 2006, and we found that cut flowers keep their vibrant color better and last three to four days longer when kept in the fresh, filtered water."
Additionally, Phoenix Decorating Company, a float builder for the Rose Parade since 1956, has LifeSource water systems installed in float decorating facilities, flower tents and flower-prep areas. The filtered water keeps the flowers used in the decorating process, and those in vials of water on the floats, fresh and vibrant. Chris Lofthouse, president of Phoenix Decorating said, "Their water makes flowers not only grow better, but also helps them last longer."
Why does filtered water make such a difference? Water free of chlorine and chloramines gives flowers the boost they need to better withstand the sun and heat they endure during the two-day event. From their original unveiling during the parade to the special up-close viewings that follow the parade, the flowers remain softer and retain more moisture, just like our own skin, when treated to chlorine-free water.
For more information about tap-based, water filtration, visit
That's latest on Roses at the Rose Parade Treated to Filtered Water
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